Opening Hours
Mon - Tues & Thurs: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Massage therapy uses a variety of techniques to manipulate your joints and soft tissue to improve your body’s overall health. Massage increases the body’s supply of oxygen and nutrients to your muscles, which help release waste from the muscle tissue. Massage also accelerates your body’s own natural ability to heal itself.
Overall Wellness and Relaxation Massage
Therapy is the assessment and treatment of soft tissue and joint dysfunction and pain. Massage can help restore flexibility and range of motion as well as increase overall wellness and relaxation.
All types of Massage Therapies
Therapies can include myofascial release, thai massage, acupuncture/ electro-acupuncture, therapeutic ultrasound and taping, IFC, joint mobilization, home exercise and cupping therapy.
for sure and not your big sister’s clear aligners either. Surely, you have heard about the method for orthodontic treatment using clear aligners called Invisalign; but did you know that Invisalign, the leader in clear aligner orthodontics for over a decade, has introduced its latest advance in clear align technology- Smarttrack.
This new system now yields even more efficacious tracking of teeth to alignment goals. It consist of a new material that is clear like the old one, but is more resistant to deformation and thereby able to exert more accurate mechanics, suffice it to say– it works even better
If you have considered adult orthodontics, but didn’t want to have metal brackets for aesthetic reasons or were concerned about pain from metal edges rubbing against your cheeks, maybe you have had orthodontics in the past and are having a relapse or minor crowding of just your front teeth, then now is the time you should visit us to determine if you are a candidate for the clear aligner alternative to braces- Invisalign.
I have been providing Invisalign since 2005 and practicing general dentistry for 25 years, so you can also receive treatment in our office for cosmetic or routine care such as veneers, tooth colored fillings, all ceramic crowns or most any treatment you need for a more pleasing, better and confident smile.
You can find us at or call 704-333-6714. We hope to meet you soon